Large SSC delegation attends deRSE25 in Karlsruhe

From February 25 to 27, the annual conference on Research Software Engineering took place at KIT in Karlsruhe. The Scientific Software Center attended the conference with a large delegation in order to learn about new trends in the field of RSE and build stronger networks with fellow RSEs. We presented a total of five talks and co-organized one birds-of-a-feather session. We covered a wider range of topics spanning from sharing experiences from the daily work at the SSC, learnings from establishing the SSC, disseminating the results of an SSC-organized symposiums, reflections on our SSC fellows program to workflows for community engagement in open source software.

The RSE developers were also joined by two of our current SSC fellows: Stefan Maurer presented his poster on "Designing Intuitive and Flexible Software for a Novel Image-Based Cell Sorting Method" and Anna-Lena Schaible gave a talk on her work on "Fast GPU-powered and auto-differentiable forward modeling for cosmological hydrodynamical simulations". Anna-Lena's talk was not only well-received by the audience, but also by the reviewers of the jury for the young RSE prize. At the end of the poster session, she was awarded this years prize together with a prize money of 512 Euros. Congratulations, Anna-Lena!

We look forward to meeting the national RSE community again at deRSE26, planned to take place at University of Stuttgart!