Initiate a Project
We provide software development at many different scales, from a single hour of consultation to projects with a timeframe of months or years. In all cases, the first step to working with us is scheduling a consultation meeting and discussing your research software needs. Get in touch with us to see if we can help you!

Small scale projects
Small scale projects are free of charge and involve about a week of development work. This can either be a small development task, or support and feedback concerning your existing software on a specific topic (such as performance, scalability, accuracy, portability, reproducibility, sustainability, fixing bugs, packaging, dependencies, build systems, automated testing, etc).
Open Call projects
Larger development projects involving a few months of development work are supported by our annual open call, which is also free of charge for successful applications. The call is open for applications in June each year, and with a simple one page application process you can request several months of SSC developer time to contribute to your project.
The SSC provides very important knowledge in state-of-the-art scientific software development to my 3DGeo research group. The SSC enables us to develop professional, open scientific software and to publish cutting-edge research results as powerful tools. Our collaboration is very effective, with a high level of knowledge sharing.
Prof. Bernhard Höfle, Geoinformatics
Funded projects
We also provide software development services in grant applications as co-PIs or project partners, please contact us for more details.
Your next project
Get in touch with us to see if we can help you!