Performance improvements and fixing segfault issue | | | | |
Dashboards and user interfaces for a digital patient admission system | | | | |
DACS Application
Application form for DACS applicants and analysis notebook | | | | |
Establishing a knowledge graph community in biomedical science
A unifying framework for biomedical knowledge graphs | | | | |
Build a prototype for a flexible bioacoustic platform on edge devices (raspberry pi zero in particular) | bioacoustics, edge computing, biology | | | |
Kinetic Data Fitting
Improve algorithm for kinetic data fitting to achieve higher accuracy and provide more descriptors of the quality of the fit. | Molecular Biology, Chemistry | Small Scale Project | 2024 |
Matlab Web App Deployment
Consultation on deploying Matlab Web Apps both via CI-built standalone installers and via Matlab Web App Server. | | | | |
MONDEY (Milestones of Normal Development in Early Years) website | | | | |
Create prototype of a MIDI-like GUI to edit and simulate neuron models | | | | |
Chatbot for German medieval language and history interaction. | linguistics, German language studies | Small Scale Project | 2024 |
Web service for users to upload samples, process them, download results | | | | |
Project W
A self-hosted platform for audio transcription with OpenAI's Whisper model. Puts large emphasis on data protection in order to allow transcription of sensitive research data. | | Software Practical, Small Scale Project | | |
Webpage for a project providing a hepatocellular carcinoma imaging data set and machine learning models. | | | | |
Schreiben nach der Briefkultur: E-Mails - Dynamiken der Normierung und Standardisierung
Web portal where donors can upload emails. These emails are then anonymized using the Python package anonymizer and placed in a database together with the raw data and metadata. | linguistics/romanistic/digital_humanities | | | |
Genome processing pipeline and dashboard | bioinformatics | Small Scale Project | 2024 |
ShinyLipids bugfixing
Fixing some bugs in an established lab code for lipidomics, developed as an R Shiny app. | Biology | Small Scale Project | 2024 - 2025 |
Sustainable HELIOS++
A sustainable Python package for simulating terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning surveys, featuring a new Python interface and improved bindings to C++11 for enhanced performance and maintainability. | | | | |
Automatic generation of GUIs from click CLIs
| | | | |
Quantifying organelle geometry and morphology based on volume electron microscopy data. | Biology | Open Call Project | 2023 |
Color Detection Module in ammico
| | | | |
EasyDB Zotero integration plugin
| | | | |
Github Action to install Doxygen
| | | | |
Identifying stolen cultural heritage
Identification of (potentially stolen) cultural heritage objects with computer vision methods. | | | | |
Interactive Network Visualization for Art Exhibition
Interactive network visualization to be used on a touch screen device in the art exhibition 'THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Die Gästebücher des Kunstsammlers Franz Moufang' in Kunstverein Heidelberg | | | | |
Jupyter Kernel for Dockerfiles
| | | | |
Packaging of Analysis Workflow for CNSR Core Facility
| | | | |
Refactoring of PoWR code
Modernisation of the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet Stellar Atmospheres code. | | | | |
Consultation on software architecture for GPU-computing with JAX and software development best practices | | | | |
Performance improvements for the toolkit for Simulation and Image Processing for Photonics and Acoustics (SIMPA). | | | | |
Spatial Model Editor
Extend spatial modelling and simulation software from 2d to 3d | | | | |
Dashboards and user interfaces for a digital patient admission system | | | | |
Web service for a DNA sequencing service | | | | |
clang-format Python packaging
| | | | |
Configurable Python project template
Configurable template repository for starting new Python packages | | | | |
Dust polarization observations
Improve portability and quality of code and tooling | | | | |
EasyDB GND norm data updater
| | | | |
Email anonymization
Tool to parse email body from email text and retains only the anonymized salutation and first sentence | | | | |
A sequential MPI stub for compiling MPI-parallel applications in sequential contexts | | | | |
Github Action to install Mesa3D
A Github Action to install Mesa3D on windows CI runners | | | | |
HeiData integration for Pooch
| | | | |
IWR Interactive visualization prototype
An interactive web presentation of the IWR and its members | | | | |
Jupyter notebooks as command line applications
Turn Jupyter notebooks into command line applications | | | | |
Jupyter widgets for JSON schemas
A widget generator for your Jupyter notebooks | | | | |
Misinformation campaigns characteristics
Open-source software to analyze image and text content of social media posts | | | | |
Mobile phone localization project
Analyses raw mobile phone data and produces a mobility network between antennas | | | | |
Moralization in written texts
Interface to train language models for multi-label token classification | | | | |
Oxygen video linking of xml annotations
| linguistics | Small Scale Project | 2022 |
Development of an MPI-parallel Python library for the generation of stationary Gaussian fields based on an existing C++ library | Scientific Computing | Open Call Project | 2022 |
Predictive modeling in TB screening
| Medical | Open Call Project | 2022 |
Ribosome profiling
Enhance the quality, portability and maintainability of the ribosome profiling analysis tool rp-bp | | | | |
Sphinx extension for large data
An extension to the Sphinx documentation system that ensures Git LFS is installed | | | | |
VINK (Voice to ink)
Stand-alone installer for the OpenAI Whisper transcription tool | | | | |
Visuomotor Serial Targeting Task (VSTT)
Open source software with graphical user interface for designing, running and analyzing visuomotor targeting experiments | | | | |
Advice on math
| medicine | Small Scale Project | 2021 |
AFWizard: Adaptive ground point filtering for aerial archaelogy
Python framework to facilitate complex ground point filtering workflows in archaeologic prospection | | | | |
C++ Interface for HydroSHEDS data
Allow access to existing hydrologic datasets through a C++11 interface | | | | |
Configurable C++ project template
Configurable template repository for starting new C++ projects | | | | |
Corpus and argumentation
Open-source software to automatize annotation and database encoding of linguistic texts | | | | |
Jupyter-based course material for a C++ framework
Based on the Jupyter kernel xeus-cling, C++ course materials are rewritten as Jupyter notebooks. | | | | |
Misinformation in social networks
Extract textual content from images | | | | |
Modern CMake Buildsystem for HyperHDG library
Modernization of the build system to follow the latest best practices of CMake | | | | |
Neuroscience data processing and analysis
Deploying and improving analysis pipelines on HPC resources | | | | |
py4dgeo: Change detection 4D point cloud data
Library of algorithms for the spatio-temporal analysis of 3D point cloud data. Provides an extensible, open Python framework based on a high performance C++ core. | | Funded Project, Open Call Project | | |
Python bindings from C++ pybind11 example
A simple example of how to provide Python bindings from C++ using pybind11 | | | | |
SSC Spack repository
Packaging Software for the HPC package manager Spack | | | | |
Systems biology parameter estimation GUI
Extend parameter fitting functionality and integrate into the existing GUI application | | | | |
Systems biology simulation
Extand a parameter fitting script into a user-friendly Python module | | | | |
Hamming distance project
High performance implementation of a critical step in an analysis pipeline | | | | |
Jove matrix performance project
| | | | |