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Open Call project, 2023 Simulation and Image processing for Photonics and Acoustics (SIMPA)

Simulation and Image processing for Photonics and Acoustics

Total developer time: 4 months

Contact person: Kris Dreher, Intelligent Systems in Photoacoustic Imaging (ISPAI), DKFZ & Heidelberg University


SIMPA has already gained traction in the biophotonics community. In particular, the international photoacoustic standardization consortium (IPASC) of which most renowned researchers in the community are members of, has used it in multiple projects, however room for advancing the toolkit was in particular identified with respect to performance and quality of the software.

The goals of this project are to enable (1) a performant execution of a simulation pipeline and its individual steps and (2) an optimized testing framework also covering parts of the code referencing external libraries.


We profiled the performance of the various components of the SIMPA pipeline, and then optimised the code to improve the performance.
Key optimization techniques included moving computations from the CPU to the GPU, replacing disk I/O operations with in-memory RAM operations.