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More learning resources

Here you can find external courses and information on topics including research data management, general programming, as well as specialized courses on high performance computing.

4EU+ Network

The 4EU+ Network, that Heidelberg University is a member of, offers courses, workshops and conferences to students of the member universities.

The includes the “Open for you!” introduction series to Open Science with contributions from the SSC.

Jülich Supercomputing Centre and bwHPC

The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) offers around 25 high-performance computing courses each year, including introductory courses on programming languages, parallel environments, usage of HPC systems and deep learning, as well as advanced courses on MPI, hybrid programming, and GPU programming. They are free of charge for european students and researchers.

bwHPC also offer programming and high-performance computing courses and seminars, including online courses on how to use the bwUniCluster and bwForCluster HPC resources.


PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) also provide online training events and a variety of materials on high-performance computing topics.


National and international conferences are listed on the de-RSE website and updated regularly.