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Open Call project, 2021 Corpus and Argumentation

The aim of the project “Corpus and Argumentation” is to create an infrastructure for analyzing text corpora to develop an explanatory model of argumentation management in written and spoken texts across languages. The model will predict translation strategies for linguistic constructions in argumentative discourse. Such constructions substantially vary in different languages, being more problematic for human and machine translation compared to informative texts. The model will contribute to the argumentation and translation theory and provide a framework for evaluating and improving the quality of human and automated translation of argumentative texts, making impact on translation industry and computer-assisted translation technologies.

The SSC aids in the software development to analyze argumentative structures with four person/months. Data pipelines are created for preprocessing, processing and postprocessing of the data. See the on GitHub.

This research is carried out by the IUED at Heidelberg University - Prof. Bogdan Babych, Prof. Vahram Atayan, Prof. Kerstin Kunz, Bettina Fetzer, Eva Klueber.