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Funded project, 2022 CircuitSEQ web service
Heidelberg Mannheim Life Sciences alliance 'Explore!Tech' grant (SSC as co-PI), total developer time: 1.5 months
Contact person: Dr. Ed Green, DKFZ
The group want to offer their novel multiplexed nanopore DNA sequencing technique as a trial service to other groups within the university. To manage this process a web service is required for users to submit samples and to automatically receive their results.
- Users can sign up for an account, log in, upload sequences, request samples, download their results
- Lab analysis script can interface with the server via REST API with token authentication
- Server automatically emails users with their results when they are submitted by the lab analysis script
- Tech stack: vue.js frontend, flask backend, REST API, JWT authentication, docker
- Deployed as a set of docker services for portability
- Production docker containers are automatically re-built in Continuous Integration when code is updated