Open Call 2023 SSC Open Call Proposals
The Scientific Software Center (SSC) provides development, consultation and teaching offers related to research software to members of Heidelberg University. Funded through the Excellence Strategy, the SSC and its parent institution, the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), act as an interdisciplinary incubator of new research within the University of Excellence. The SSC employs three full-time Research Software Engineers whose workforce is available through this open call.

What can you apply for in this call?
You can apply for the workforce of the SSC’s Research Software Engineers to do software development work for your research project.
What type of proposals are considered in this call?
Proposals from members of Heidelberg University that are at the Post-Doc level or above will be considered. The call covers the following project activities:
- Custom development of new scientific software for a research project
- Addition of new functionality into existing research software
- Development that increases the software quality of existing research software (e.g. performance, scalability, portability, usability, reusability etc.)
- Adoption of best practices for the development of scientific software
Procedure Outline and Deadlines:

Formal criteria of application:
Please apply online at (English or German).
To learn more about this call:
There will be two short online meetings where any questions can be answered:
- 3pm Wednesday 10/05/2023
- 10am Friday 12/05/2023
Evaluation of Proposals:
The final acceptance decision is made by the scientific board of the SSC. The proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Do the members of SSC consider the project feasible within the given time frame? (Veto criterium) A priori requests on this matter are recommended.
- Scientific Merit of the Proposal: Does the project enable novel and impactful research?
Does the proposal build on current strengths of the project partners? - Clarity of the SSC’s involvement in the project: Is the scope of the SSC’s responsibility well-defined? Are there explicit objectives for the SSC? Is there a description of actionable steps that the SSC should perform?
- Leverage of the project outcome: Is there a follow-up use of developed software by the project partners or other researchers? Will the software be released under an open-source license? Does the project entail knowledge transfer from the SSC to the project partner?
- Enabling interdisciplinary collaboration: Does the proposal create or strengthen an interdisciplinary link within Heidelberg University? Do project partners originate in different Fields of Focus of Heidelberg University?
- Does the proposal enable career progression of early career researchers? Does it aid equal opportunity efforts?